Sunday, January 13, 2013

Misplaced Identity

Sometimes the message God wants you to hear comes from the people you surround yourself with. Lately, I've been struggling with identity and seeing myself through God's eyes. I often feel worthless, weary, and alone. However, my ever-present friends always remind me (without fail) that I am a daughter of the King: loved without abandon and a treasure. 

Whenever I feel my self esteem take a nose-dive, which is often, I turn toward men to establish my worth. I go from depressed to happy in a matter of minutes if a male gives me even the slightest bit of affirmation. 
Then, when he lets me down (because the only one who will NEVER let me down is Jesus) I become sad all over again. The cycle seems to never end. 

But, what if I could end it? Would I choose to? Am I brave enough to release the clutches of my insecurity?
Recently, I've been struggling with these very thoughts. Today, I have my answer. In the midst of talking to my friends about my latest boy problems, they helped me realize my problem: I was turning to the latest him instead of the omnipotent Him. Instead of seeking for my identity in Christ, I chose to place the power of my identity in my latest love interest. It's time for the cycle to end.

One of my dearest friends sent me this text today and it awakened my spirit to a place of understanding. 

"Sometimes God puts temptations in our life to see if we are faithful enough o him to overcome them. 'I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.' Although that may be one of the most said verses, if you truly think about it, it's incredible. I don't want your relationship with God to be ruined because of one stupid, high school boy. Your relationship with God is the only relationship that will ever matter. You don't deserve to feel worthless. You are so incredibly beautiful and God created you in his image so how can you be any less than beautiful?"

I finally got it. In order to feel worthy enough, good enough, whole enough, I must first place my identity in Christ alone. That sounds so cliche, however, it is one of the only truths I am sure of in this life. In order to truly feel whole, Jesus must be at the center of it all. Only He can fill the emptiness that seems overwhelming and all-consuming. If I can break the cycle of misplaced identity, so can you.

1 comment:

  1. Katy this is so so good. I love reading your thoughts because they are so beautiful and are so true!
