Thursday, January 3, 2013

Friendship into Words

2012 was one of the most challenging years of my life. It taught me the importance of honesty and how words can easily set you free. Welcome to a snippet of my soul. A peek into the abyss of thoughts and musings bouncing about my head. 

Today I wrote the following piece:


A broken smile unable to heal.
An ironclad heart desperate to feel.
With raw emotions and a lost spirit,
She came to them hoping to conceal it.
All the hurt that she’d been through,
Endless tears shed without the blink of an eye.
An all-encompassing longing for a final goodbye.
They smiled and laughed, not a care in the world.
What would they think of this scared little girl?
Who was desperately seeking friendship and grace,
These expectations always being slapped in her face.
They opened their arms to her with a wide embrace,
Shocking the poor girl who felt out of place.
Never had she known such empathy and love,
Who were these people who refused to give her a shove?
They helped thaw her hurt, and ease her anger,
For once she never felt her heart in danger.
The little girl became a complete stranger,
To herself and all that once knew who she had been.
With these new friends, she need not wear a shield,
For she had slowly begun to heal.
The love they displayed taught her extreme grace,
Now she wears a smile on her face.
No one could recognize the hollow girl she had been,
The ghost-like past a memory she couldn’t mend.
Now when people see her and ask her “What changed?
She points to her friends and says,
“It was they. Their acceptance taught me to finally see,
All the potential placed within me. I never feel out of place
Or a disgrace, and they never fail to put a smile on my face.
I’m entirely grateful for the love I’ve been shown,
Without them, I don’t know how I would’ve grown.”

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