Monday, August 4, 2014

LOVE-A Redemption Story

I'm going to admit something very embarrassing: I have had a selfish year. I have allowed the chaos of college applications, the pursuit of pleasure, many shallow relationships, and excessive planning to create distance between myself and Christ. Throughout my senior year, maintaining a relationship with God seemed to be the most difficult factor to juggle-despite retaking the SAT, maintaining straight A's, having a boyfriend,  multiple social commitments, touring colleges, and avoiding senioritis to completely interfere with graduation. 

But little did I know that God was going to radically change my priorities this summer. 

This past week was Love Week at Elevation Church. Love Week is a seven day period where members of the church family are called to sacrifice their time and energy in order to serve the community in big ways. Whether it be serving an hour, or giving up an entire day, we are encouraged to step out of our comfort zones and represent Jesus to those less fortunate. While I was extremely busy with the chaos of preparing for my first year away at college, I still felt a prompting to sign up for as many events as I possibly could. For the first time in a year, I was going to volunteer and become an active member of my church community. 

So it began. I had the privilege to serve with Urban Promise Ministries, Common Heart Ministries, and Blessed Assurance Ministries. At each and every place I went, God used at least one person to touch my life, and melt the ice that had begun to build up around my selfish heart. Whether it was laughing with my two Hispanic friends Charlotte and Jasmine (aged 6 and 7), gently reminding a woman with Alzheimer's that she was loved, or allowing a fellow volunteer (Austin-aged 5) to help me repair a wall; I felt a sense of fulfillment for the first time in a very long time. 

Brimming with joy from volunteering, I attended Elevation Worship's live recording event at Time Warner Cable Arena. While I knew the music would be unbelievable, I had no idea the extent to which it would affect my soul. As the musicians were singing about letting God work in our lives, and fully relying on him-I made an unshakable decision. 

I realized that it's time for me to let go, and let God lead my life. As I prepare to enter my college years, I'm determined to become the woman He has molded me to become. Instead of living in selfishness, I want to make decisions following the promptings Christ lays on my heart. I began to question every decision I made-braced with the prospect of Who is the Katy God wants me to be?

It's still incredible to me that God can use an event like Love Week to change my life in such a magnanimous way. By simply serving others, I learned how much more satisfying it is to openly serve Christ as opposed to singlehandedly serving myself. As a result, I'm no longer afraid to step onto my college campus. In fact, I feel more joy and a significant increase of peacefulness regarding my future. By stepping back and allowing God to lead me on this journey through life, I feel a kind of satisfaction and fulfillment that only comes from the freedom that He offers. I now plan on making my relationship with Christ a top priority in my life. His opinion is significantly greater than mine own. 

Through Love Week, I was not only able to bless others, but God truly blessed me by the redemption that He offers. The amazing thing is, He forgives my sin and loves me in spite of my selfishness. In loving others, I've been set free. 

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