Thursday, August 21, 2014

Better Put Your Armor On.

My first week at college has been a say the least. The busyness of college can be quite overwhelming at times, but I can truly say that I am having the most amazing time up in the Appalachian mountains. God has given me some incredible friends, and I'm blessed to have a network of quality people surrounding me at all times.

However, I did not start this post to talk about how awesome college has been for the past week. I want to discuss spiritual warfare. 

In the past, alcohol has been a major temptation for me. In fact, it's incredibly embarrassing to even admit that in print, because so often I've been in denial about just how much of a battle it's been during my high school years. I surrounded myself with "good people" who did the "right" things, but still chose to go out and party on the weekends. This past summer, God has been working in my life in a supernatural way. I decided to give up drinking for the entire duration of my freshman year of college. 

Talk about a major life change. 

Since I've made that decision, I've felt a wave of peace overwhelm my soul. I've gone to parties, but for the first time, did not feel guilty about my actions. Without alcohol, I can be the fullest extent of my truest self. Yes, I still go to parties. Yes, I still have many friends who drink. 

By making that decision, I have chosen to die to my sinful desires, and embrace the person that God created me to become. However, what God intends to use for good, the enemy wants to use to bring about our destruction. After making this decision to forgo alcohol, I have found myself in the midst of intense spiritual warfare. Last night, I was reading scripture late at night when my roommate was sound asleep. I immediately heard noises that sounded like growling, and saw cabinets opening up on its own. I knew that the enemy was trying to use fear to forbid me from pursuing the Lord at 2am on a Wednesday night, in my college dorm room. 

Several of my other Christian friends have decided not to drink in college as well, and in turn, have been facing spiritual warfare. Spiritual warfare can take on many forms-it may cause you to be feeling an overwhelming heaviness or loneliness or sadness. It may be that you just simply have lost all energy to get out of bed every day. It may be that you feel like no matter what choices you make, it's always the wrong one. The enemy is alive and well. It's easy to simply forget that we are living in a battlefield, and choose to make other things a priority instead of Jesus. It's incredibly overwhelming to try and adjust to living in a new environment, hard classes, and making all new friends. But Jesus wants us to rely on Him first and foremost. He is our strength and shield during this transition time. 

In a strange way, I am grateful for the spiritual warfare I have been facing, because it is a constant reminder that I am making the enemy even more mad by following Christ. I am confident that God is moving here at Appalachian State. Every day, I am reminded of His faithfulness, and His grace. But we all must keep our spiritual armor on at all times. Pray for those undergoing dark times. Bathe yourselves in His scriptural promises. Soak in His glory. 

Ephesians 6:12-13: For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.

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