Friday, August 29, 2014


One of my favorite aspects about the small town of Boone, North Carolina and Appalachian State University as a whole, is the over abundance of creativity found in the crevices of everyday life. At any moment of the day, one could walk by a humble musician strumming a guitar, or a photographer attempting to capture a beautiful moment in a single snapshot. Even the way people dress here reflects artwork. Looking around the quad on a sunny day, I am met with glances from strangers with original tattoos, colored hair, eclectic outfits, and confident attitudes.

What might be surprising to you, is that even the people who don't fit this "artsy" mold are surprisingly accepting of others. In the short time I've been a student here, I have become accustomed to preppy, fraternity members associating with people who are the complete opposite of them-outdoor enthusiasts with a free spirited, artistic nature. I've seen members of the homosexual community shown so much love by members of the campus' Christian community. I've seen athletes showing kindness to freshman girls. I've seen individuals celebrated for their authenticity. I've seen students hold the doors for others, and smile at passersby. At Appalachian State, there is no such thing as race or gender barriers. There is a place for everyone, there is an overwhelmingly refreshing opportunity to become exactly whom you were meant to be.

Being in this community has given me the incredible opportunity to grow and reflect upon the individual I hope to become in my short four years here. The acceptance among this melting pot of a college has given me an amazing portrayal of the way heaven will be like one day. Jesus delights in each one of His children. He wants us to come to him exactly as we are-for we are ALL made in His image. 

The Church body here is an incredible example of loving acceptance of all individuals. There are people involved in the Christian community from every walk of life, who dress every way imaginable, and who have all different interests. Yet, everyone is celebrated for who they are as individuals. This experience has been incredible new for me, and is something I truly cherish with my whole hart. In many Christian communities, it is difficult for someone to become involved if he or she does not fit a certain mold. Yet, Jesus never organized boundaries for His people! "For we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." The acceptance prevalent on this college campus should be equally, if not more prevalent in the Christian church. 

I challenge all my readers to re-evaluate what you except. Are you showing God's love to ALL people-or just the types of people who most clearly resemble yourself? If you're hoping to live like Jesus, that includes showing His love to everyone, from all walks of life. Dare to take a step out of your own shell, as comfortable as it may be, and show acceptance to someone who has the tenacity to live life differently.

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