Saturday, February 2, 2013

Seeing Through His Eyes

The flashbacks start and memories beckon.
I need to remember those whom once held my affection.
Memories play through the haze in my brain,
Hurt that stays like a red wine stain.

A past full of pain,
Nothing ever stays the same.
Full of heartache and shame,
I was anxious to start again in a place
Where hopefully I can stay sane. 

A new school where all things change.
Hope blooms and fear grows,
All the while I try to remember this isn't a show.
Smiling faces greet me,
I can't believe the way they treat me-
Like someone who's worthy of being known.

Infectious laughter fills my aching spirit,
Encouraging messages soothe my soul.
These good times are suddenly making me whole.
A thawing evokes an awakening within,
Making me search to Him within.

Looking my eyes unto the holy throne,
I can see how my despair was just a loan.
He stripped me of all just so I could see,
How His beauty reveals a perfect plan for me.

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