Sunday, February 17, 2013

Grace Despite the Rain

The warm embrace of my Father
Overwhelms the empty crevices of my soul.
When I worship,
I feel a peace everlasting.
Though I become weary,
My mind burdened with the weight of a thousand suns,
When I run to Him a newness restores my spirit.

Now I'm drunk with His grace,
An overflowing ocean of mercy washes over me.
Times are tough, yet my God is enough.
Soaked in His presence,
I can feel His ever present siren call.
"Follow me little one,
You will find solace in the shelter of My arms."

I turn my face to the wind,
Focus on the voice within.
Shake off the worries and the fears,
Walk into my Father's arms and have Him dry my tears.
When I'm invested in Him,
I feel unable to pretend.
The broken pieces of my life sealed closed,
God's love heals the finite pieces of my secret soul.

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