Saturday, December 28, 2013

Messages from the Heart

This must be what all the books and movies are about. 
The incessant wanderings in my mind,
No matter what, can't get him out of my head. 
The way my heart feels empty without seeing him,
Even just a glimpse of him.
My every emotion dependent upon him,
My happiness is his happiness.
His sadness is my sadness.
The way our souls have become so irrevocably intertwined that we finish each other's sentences.
He truly sees the bits of me that I'm ashamed to let anyone else see.
The gory, raw pieces of me.
I feel at peace when he's around.
Just knowing he's near, makes my soul feel safe and sound.
Loving him enough to ignore the screaming flaws, ingrained in us all.
His love enough to break every wall.
This must be what all the books and movies are about. 

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