Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Reasons to Keep Living

Just in case one of you needed a reminder...


hot bubble baths after a stressful day. smelling books. exploring new thrift shops. looking up big words in a dictionary. a wide, full toothed smile. laughing at the latest romantic comedy. traveling to foreign lands. eating exotic foods. wearing big, ugly sweaters. singing Christmas carols. hiking in the mountains. writing in a journal. attending midnight premieres. enjoying candy canes. watching the sunrise and sunset. crying to release the pain. becoming engrossed by a novel. painting your nails. being kissed by someone who truly cares. watching a child learn to walk. learning how to sew. wearing a beautiful dress. watching a monumental documentary. enjoying a banana split sundae with extra hot fudge. going on drives at midnight. wearing fuzzy socks. running your toes through the sand. the smell of rain. speaking a unique language. having a grand adventure. falling in love for the first time. falling in love for forever. giving the gift of forgiveness. pulling an all-nighter. the first drop of an insane roller coaster. baking cookies. Broadway plays. attending football games. watching Disney movies from childhood. beanies. stuffed animals from a special someone. sleeping with someone you love. cuddling. the euphoric feeling after a good workout. listening to a good 80's song. catching fireflies. catching snowflakes. building gingerbread houses. dancing in the rain. bonfires. realizing a mistake is not the end of the world. poetry. rubbing lotion on smooth skin. eating until you're full. long hugs. discovering a new indie band. coffee with the perfect amount of whipped cream. worn in blue jeans. a double rainbow. scavenger hunts. debates. a loud thunderstorm. baby kittens. joy. hope. dreaming about infinite possibilities. everything.

Because we all need a list like this one sometimes. Stay Strong. 

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