Wednesday, August 7, 2013


It's amazing how fast time passes. It seems like just yesterday I was building leaf piles with my little sisters, and running around splashing in puddles left by the pounding rain. Today, I am an overwhelmed, stressed teenager with too much to juggle and not enough time for sleep. A pile of college applications stare at me from the end of my kitchen table. Reminders keep coming in the mail to order senior pictures. A job dictates my freedom. Yet, in a weird way, I have never felt more full. I am surrounded by people who genuinely try to enrich my life. I am in a healthy, stable relationship. 

It's funny how time elapses. Time is a clever, unstable tracker of memories and moments. Nostalgia creeps over me like a wave beating against the shore. As my senior year looms before me, I find myself remembering. Remembering days when hours felt like years and time seemed a stretch of infinite possibility. Now, I can't seem to get enough of time-it feels so limited and precious. 

So I resolve to make the most of this limited measure humans call time. It will not scare me into making memories, rather, it will be the impetus to move forward and carry on the rest of my year without hesitation. Time is valuable. Time is a marker of infinite possibility. Time is what stands between me and the next chapter of my short life. Time is the gift which allows me the freedom to make the most of each moment. Time is a ticking clock. 

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