Sunday, June 30, 2013


A murmur awakens deep corners of my dusty, dirty soul.
A sensitive yearning only felt once before-
A childlike whisper tinged with the faint hope of desire.
Burning longing dares to expose the most fragile parts of me-
The gooey, vulnerable bits only he seems to see.
With each faint touch my body slowly begins to de-thaw.
Learning to trust again,
Learning to open myself up to the faintest possibility of love again.
With each passing day I find myself wondering-is it really possible for a woman as dried up and callous as I to find the courage to intrust another human with my porcelain heart?
And yet, the answer slams against me like an exhilarating ocean wave.
I don't even need to ask myself this burning question.
For i know, as damaged as I am
As scarred and twisted my heart has seemingly become,
The beaconing of his soul is stronger than any chain, any hindrance I might be afraid to find again.
I will fall-harder, stronger, more passionately than I would before.
Because as marred as my inner spirit might seem, I know that love is for me.

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