Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Reflection Check.

The most humbling feeling accompanies the utter realization that you have become a road block for another person seeking to follow Christ. All to often, we Jesus people try to identify all of the people/things that have "caused us to stumble" without reflecting on ourselves: have I inadvertently caused someone to sin? Is my life a total reflection of Jesus?

It's easy to point our fingers at other people without identifying the ugliness in our own hearts. I am guilty of this-we all are. Over time, it becomes all to easy to allow our own sinful hearts to seep into influencing another individual.

Examples: In a romantic relationship, the result of selfishness often leads to sexual sin and ungodly expectations. In a friendship, the result of selfishness often leads to gossip.

God has been really tugging on my heartstrings lately, to analyze my role in other people's lives. Instead of evaluating how the people I surround myself with are affecting my life; it's time I take a step back and analyze how I am affecting theirs. Once I did this, I was ashamed at what I saw.

So I prayed and immersed myself in His word. And I sought wisdom. And I decided to let some people go.

The loss of a relationship with an individual is excruciating-it provides an emptiness that is gut-wrenching and beyond painful. But sometimes, the pain is necessary. If a relationship is not inherently pleasing to God-in every area-it can produce negative fruit. If I am causing someone to produce negative fruit-how selfish would I be to continue and pursue that relationship with reckless abandon? 

Sometimes we're calling to do the hard thing. And it sucks. But following God's will was never supposed to be easy, and it is often wrought with speed bumps. Take a moment and look at yourself in the mirror: Are you helping those around you pursue a righteous life? Are you surrendering yourself daily to Jesus, and pursuing Godly relationships with His church? 

If you don't like what you see, ask Jesus how He wants you to proceed. Sometimes we become so blinded to His will, and rely solely on our own incompetence. Oh, how much heartbreak we would avoid if we pledged to live lives that reflect His will, and proceeded in total surrender.

I'm praying that God will reveal His will to me clearly. That he would guard my heart in pursuing each and every relationship, and that He would allow my spirit to be a positive influence on others.

Face the mirror for a life of holy freedom. It is our responsibility as believers to hold our brothers and sisters in Christ accountable. Live a life you can be proud of, and if you're causing others to falter, make the selfless decision to let go.

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