Sunday, October 12, 2014

Hope Among the Hills

I wish I could fill the emptiness behind their glassy eyes. I wish I could take duct tape and seal up the crooked cracks weaving mazes interrupting their fragile hearts. I wish I could embrace them by the shoulders and whisper sweet truths of God's goodness. 

So often I am climbing the endless hills on campus, and think those thoughts. I see so many broken spirits here, so many dejected faces. There is a heaviness here. College kids are under a lot of pressure-worldly pressure, parental pressure, self imposed pressure. To do good, be better, succeed.

If only they knew the joy that Christ can bring. If only they knew that He has called them by name.

 I am a caretaker by nature-I am always obsessively meeting others' needs, and wanting to fix every minuscule problem. Sometimes, it can become frustrating to have this nature. It's so apparent that people are looking for MORE, for FULFILLMENT...and yet...I cannot change anyone's mind about who Jesus is, or was.

I can share my testimony, I can pray for completion, I can invite them to walk with me on this new journey. And for now, that has to be enough. I'm learning to let go of my compulsive desire to control every situation. I'm learning to let go, and let God do His job. My generation is not lost.

Keep college students in your prayers. This demographic of people can be so hopeless, and consumed with wandering. But Jesus came to earth to heal the broken, the people enslaved to their own selfishness. He came to provide refuge and safety for the lost.

{God, I pray that you will continue to reveal your presence on this campus. Allow those who follow You to stand firm in their convictions, and reveal your light to others. Provide us with a joy that radiates through every crevice of our sinful souls. I'm believing in Your power, and Your provision.}

"Your faithfulness endures to all generations; you have established the earth and it stands fast." 
Psalm  119:90

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