Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Reasons to Keep Living

Just in case one of you needed a reminder...


hot bubble baths after a stressful day. smelling books. exploring new thrift shops. looking up big words in a dictionary. a wide, full toothed smile. laughing at the latest romantic comedy. traveling to foreign lands. eating exotic foods. wearing big, ugly sweaters. singing Christmas carols. hiking in the mountains. writing in a journal. attending midnight premieres. enjoying candy canes. watching the sunrise and sunset. crying to release the pain. becoming engrossed by a novel. painting your nails. being kissed by someone who truly cares. watching a child learn to walk. learning how to sew. wearing a beautiful dress. watching a monumental documentary. enjoying a banana split sundae with extra hot fudge. going on drives at midnight. wearing fuzzy socks. running your toes through the sand. the smell of rain. speaking a unique language. having a grand adventure. falling in love for the first time. falling in love for forever. giving the gift of forgiveness. pulling an all-nighter. the first drop of an insane roller coaster. baking cookies. Broadway plays. attending football games. watching Disney movies from childhood. beanies. stuffed animals from a special someone. sleeping with someone you love. cuddling. the euphoric feeling after a good workout. listening to a good 80's song. catching fireflies. catching snowflakes. building gingerbread houses. dancing in the rain. bonfires. realizing a mistake is not the end of the world. poetry. rubbing lotion on smooth skin. eating until you're full. long hugs. discovering a new indie band. coffee with the perfect amount of whipped cream. worn in blue jeans. a double rainbow. scavenger hunts. debates. a loud thunderstorm. baby kittens. joy. hope. dreaming about infinite possibilities. everything.

Because we all need a list like this one sometimes. Stay Strong. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013


"All influence is immoral. Because to influence a person is to give him one's own soul. He does not think his natural thoughts, or burn with his natural passions. His virtues are not real to him. His sins, if there is such things as sins, are borrowed. He becomes an echo of someone else's music, an actor of a part that had not been written for him."
-The Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde)

Influence. Such a simplistic, yet complex word with so much power. Most people take advantage of their actions, choose to selfishly hold onto them without any regard for how they might affect others. Really, every step we take as individuals holds meaning. When coming across this quote, I was instantly reminded of the importance of making decisive decisions. Instead of acting impulsively and sporadically, perhaps, I could take the time to think about how my steps affect others. Instead of choosing to make decisions based solely on how they can impact my life, maybe I could stop to consider the way each seemingly simple action holds the potential to make or break someone's day.

However, at what point is influence taken to the extreme? At what point is influence too dangerous? This quote so eloquently provides readers with a clear picture of how shallow a person can become. Often, I see simple-minded people making dangerous decisions based on some other simplistic person's influence and persuasion. There comes a time when influential power becomes over-wrought with selfishness and greed. The power to control and promote one's own opinions and ideals is so addicting. Sometimes, people purposefully exert influence based on the sheer thrill of it all. The adrenaline rush which comes from control.

So let us strive to make influence become balanced. Consider another person when making being decisive, yet be aware of the tempting swell of power which stems from being a driving force. Exerting influence is inevitable, yet be mindful.

"Iron sharpens iron, as one man sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17

Monday, November 4, 2013

Honest Reflection

I look in the mirror and all I see is my past.
The words "slut" "drunk" and "fatass" scar my face like a mask. 
I wonder how long this will last,
Because I doubt I can handle it anymore with class.

He looks at me with such dignity,
But can't he see what my past has made me?
I'm nothing but a giant scar,
Trying to forget who she was at the start.

Maybe this is depressing,
But, hell, hopefully you'll learn a lesson.
Your past shapes you, molds you, creates you.
Just when you think you've escaped it-finally fled from its grasp,
It will come reminding you that forgetting is an impossible task.

Hopefully one day I will finally see,
The person I was truly meant to be.
But for now, all I see,
Is a screwed up me. 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

To The Moon

My heart races,
Palpitates with desire and fear. 
Every time I feel your hand graze mine,
Something in me begins to feel alive.
I could do this until the day I die,
Gallivanting around with my favorite guy. 

I love you to the moon and back.

Whenever we fight,
It's not out of spite.

I love you to the moon and back.

We look at houses,
Dreaming about our futures.
Hoping to never stray apart.
Even though this life is hard,
I hope to always keep you in my heart.

I love you to the moon and back.

This road might be rough,
And the hardships tough.
But I know one thing for sure,
With us there is always allure.

I love you to the moon and back.